Preseason Training Camp takes place during one of the hottest months of the year and requires high levels of physical, mental and emotional intensity. As such, it is important to follow these guidelines to lessen the chances of harm or illness.
Camp and Rehearsal Apparel
As we will be outside on the practice field for most rehearsals, it is required that all band members wear comfortable clothing (dependent on the weather) and TENNIS SHOES (NO DRESS SHOES, SANDALS, FLIP-FLOPS, CROCS, ETC.). A ball cap or wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses are also strongly recommended.
Proper hydration should begin the week prior to camp so each member should drink as much water as possible (males should drink 1 gallon of water per day; females should drink 3/4 gallon of water per day) at least 5 days before physical activity begins. Furthermore, sugary and alcoholic drinks should be avoided during the duration of camp.
We will have water stations during Preseason Training Camp and on hot days but please bring your own Nalgene bottles, thermoses, etc. pre-filled to start off rehearsal. There will be NO cups available during camp so each member will be responsible for his/her own. Students are recommended to use hydration backpacks during camp. These can be purchased at various sports stores and websites. Likewise, it is recommended to purchase and use cooling pads such as those made by Frogg Togg.
When outdoors, we will work in short segments with brief water breaks between each one. Make sure to hydrate at each break, even if you do not feel thirsty.
Food and energy
The type of activity that occurs during Preseason Training Camp requires much more energy than is expended during normal daily activity. As such, each member must eat more than they do on a normal basis. Preseason Training Camp is NOT a time to begin dieting or extreme changes in eating habits.
All band members are to eat a solid meal during every meal break and in the morning before rehearsals begin. Members are also encouraged to bring good energy snacks to eat during their short breaks.
Good foods are those high in carbohydrates (pasta, rice, granola bars, etc.) but low in fat and sugar. Eating fruit high in vitamins will give you much more lasting energy than you would get from a candy bar.
Sunscreen & Insect Repellant
The use of sun screen and insect repellant is strongly recommended.
Sleep and Rest
Students should get between 7-8 hours of sleep per night through the duration of camp. Furthermore, all meal breaks should be used as a time to eat, rest and recharge for the next rehearsal session.
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